Family Lifestyle Photos
Remember about a year ago when I offered up a contest for a free lifestyle family session? I know…its been a LONG TIME since that contest. I am just getting around to blogging about it because…well, because it has taken me this long to do it. I actually was cleaning up some space on my computer and began looking at this session…and holy moly, was it amazing. It deserves a blog. So who cares that it was a year ago…lets take a look back….shall we…
Meet the Sonico family. Yes…they are as fun and sweet as they appear in these images. I honestly had such a great time capturing a Saturday morning with them. Sit back, and be prepared to just smile.
If you are interested in capturing your life. As is. Please contact me for a Lifestyle Session. I LOVE doing them! I promise…these are the moments that you are going to cherish. These are the moments you are going to want your kids to cherish. THESE are the moments that your children are going to remember.