My Baby Girl
Well hello there! Remember a few months ago when I said I was going to do regular blog posts and sneak peaks? Yeah…well call me:
A. Big. Fat. Failure!
I sooo am! Holy moley how did all this time go without a single blog post?!
I would totally feel ashamed of myself for not following through, I would totally be thinking horrible thoughts about how I am such a failure, if I didnt have an EXCELLENT reason. Are you ready for it? For my one HUGE excuse?
Here ya go…
Good reason, eh?! I have been all consumed with this little one…along with my two other little ones (though, they are growing into not so little ones now). Do you forgive me? No? Maybe these will help:
Oh yes…yes, she did:
So you see…I have been consumed by the sweetest thing on the planet. Please forgive me…as I do promise to do better.